Pharmacy point of sales and stock Management System

As the owner of a Pharmacy, your customers come to you for the medication they need and often to purchase other over-the-counter items that you stock. To provide good customer service, you want to keep sufficient stock, quick transactions and short customer waiting time.

Reliance Business Systems Solution (RBSS) is a stock management & sales accounting software, especially designed for pharmacies. It is based on Windows platform.

RBSS is an affordable solution to improve pharmacy operations and impact revenue with advanced and reliable technology. It is scalable to accommodate your growing business needs. It provides easy access to data useful for analysis. Stock checking is a breeze using RBSS.

Advantages of RBSS

  • Easy to learn and user friendly – Easy navigation, uses windows based icons, reduced keystrokes.
  • Upgradable – Easy to upgrade to accommodate new functions.
  • Scalable – Easy to add functionality & modules.
  • Easy maintenance – Code less architecture enables end user to easily maintain the software.
  • Better stock control – Reduce out-of-stock situations with inventory controls.
  • Tried and tested – Successfully implemented in NMC Pharmacies which are heavy transaction sites.